Books, blogs, and podcasts lists for homeschooling moms
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Books, Blogs, and Podcasts for the Homeschooling Mom

Looking to learn more about homeschool or simply wanting to put the mojo back into your existing home education? If so, today I’m sharing some books, blogs, and podcasts to get you motivated! I love reading about different philosophies of education. In fact, I read books that reflect all of the six homeschool styles, and…

20 Charlotte Mason Books for Homeschooling Moms
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20 Charlotte Mason Books for Homeschooling Moms

If you’ve homeschooled for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Charlotte Mason style of homeschool. Today, I’m sharing a handful of Charlotte Mason Books you can check out to learn more about her educational philosophy. And how people are incorporating it into their homeschool today. No matter what homeschool style you…