Confessions From This Modern-Day Martha

I feel a bit disingenuous because last week I was heralding spring and this is week we are back to the wintery side of life. While I would love to see spring, I’m not complaining. This brief, March snowfall was just what I needed after acknowledging my  modern-day Martha struggles. 

This was the kind of snow I imagine the psalmist was talking about when he said that God “spread the snow like wool…”  white, light, and fleece-like it floated freely, somewhat buoyant, and in no hurry to land.


I’ve had a lot of things on my to-do list this week and have been fighting the constant urge to rush around to get it all done. I held it at bay long enough to let the kids go outside and play in the snow before it melted. Which, of course meant homemade cookies and hot cocoa when they came in. 

It was so fun to watch the kids thaw their pink fingertips while holding their warm beverages and indulging in their treats. My two year old kept saying “This good, mama bear!” (My kids are on a Berenstain-Bear kick)

As the afternoon waned, I gave into that rush mode and I spent the rest of my day hurrying, trying to check off my forever-long to-do list. The more I pushed the more overwhelmed and behind I was feeling.


I’m always amazed that the things that really fill me up are the things that make me “slow down”


You’d think it would be the other way around. Because getting so much done feels good, right? But the reality is, when I take the time to be still I inevitably experience something far more meaningful than a completed check-list.

Watching the huge, white snowflakes fall, clumping out in the backyard wearing my pjs and clunky boots to capture God’s beauty, laughing at the kids trying to teach me their new trick (catching snowflakes on their tongue), making cookies and cocoa in a warm kitchen, and watching the kids giggle at their homemade, whipped cream mustaches.

I wince a little, thinking that I almost missed out on that.

I know its the proverbial Mary-Martha complex and that I, so often, exemplify Martha, Having no other reason for sharing, other than the fact that this is a lesson God is teaching me. Perhaps I’m not the only one.



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Would you describe yourself as a modern-day Martha?

Confessions From This Modern-Day Martha

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  1. I’m Martha, for sure and certain. He’s been working on this with me, too. I am busy all the time and I desire in my heart to slow down. You’re absolutely right that taking a leisurely moment is far more fulfilling than completing a check list.

  2. Yes, take it from a mom of a grown 28 year old, now man. All the rushing around, working, cleaning, etc, what is considered accomplishments/success will never take the place of those “slow” moments, which are way more gratifying. If I could go back and do it over, I would take more of those moments because now they are gone, never able to get them back. The “slow” moments fill you with joyful memeories, the busy, rushed moments will later turn into regrets. God Bless you 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this insight from your perspective, having already raised your children. I want to do my best to listen to this and really ponder how I spend my days.<3

      1. Yeah, after I commented I was really thinking about your post and my comment. I don’t ever look back and think, I wished I had put in more hours at work, done more cleaning, laundry etc because I did all that. What I really, really regret and miss are all the moments I missed with my son. It’s the biggest regret of my life. 🙂

    1. Hey girl! Yes its based on a Bible story of two women (Mary & Martha). They had Jesus over to the house and Martha was frustrated at Mary because she was listening and interacting with Jesus and Martha was left to do all the dinner prep and chores. In her frustration, she asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her, to which Jesus replied, “You are worried and upset about many things” ..basically, all those things you are rushing around doing aren’t important, slow down and enjoy life, enjoy me.
      So to answer your question, yes. Martha exemplified is me getting caught up in the things in life that are not important. Great question. sorry for the novel-long answer. lol. Hope you have a great rest of your day. <3

  3. Yes! I kind of wish we’d get a snowfall like that 🙂 I think we’ve only had one this winter. There’s something about those big, heavy snowflakes falling—I feel the stress and anxiety fall away. Most of the time I’m flitting between five different things with my mind in another ten directions, but you’re right—that’s a moment to just set it aside and enjoy the moment. Glad you didn’t miss it!!

  4. Years ago a friend said, “Let the house go, do not sweat the small things. Stop – and enjoy your children before they grow-up and leave home. You cannot recapture their childhood after they become adults. It’s ok to let your house get messy when your children are small.” This does not mean you do not do any house cleaning – just less. Lol

    1. I am really appreciating the older mama’s chiming in on this post! I feel like your words of experience speak volumes to us younger moms who are in the thick of it now. Thank you for the permission to let some of those trivial things go. <3

  5. The little hands on the hot cocoa mug!!! <3 These times are so special and yet I think they can be the easiest to miss out on. I am constantly a Martha so this is a great reminder of the beauty that can happen when you slow down. <3

    1. Me too! I feel like its something I need to constantly put in front of myself, so I won’t forget to be more intentional. I ‘m hoping to develop some better “Mary” habits. <3

  6. We all have the Mary Martha complex Jessica! Too often we are Martha , and feel we need to get stuff done. But being Mary we have to sit and listen to what Jesus is telling us what is really important . These are precious times in our lives, our kids get to be at this stage only once, I need this for myself , becoming Mary. Thank you for the post Dear, Hugs, Terri, and God bless you!

  7. I just exhaled reading this! I’m totally with you—there is always something that needs our attention, the never-ending list of stuff to do, people to feed, the perpetual housework… but “being still” is the very best. I sometimes wonder why I don’t hear God’s whispers and then realize I’ve been too busy and noisy and distracted to listen. Thanks for this reminder. And the snow is still falling here in British Columbia, too… 😉 Stopping by from #ByHisGraceBloggers

  8. Definitely a Martha here as well. Such a struggle!! So much life is found in the slowing and quieting. Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts with us. 🙂

  9. Being still is a struggle for me. I catch myself in the middle of excuses I make as to why I can’t slow down or just “be still.” I don’t want to miss out on the precious moments God sends my way because I’m too busy or have to much going on. I need to learn to BE STILL. This was a beautiful reminder for me. Thank you.

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