Woes of a Naptime Blogger

I’m a nap-time blogger, which means I cram as much work into my power hour as I possibly can, and when the first rosy-cheeked, disheveled-haired kid walks into the room I close my laptop for the day.

Let me be candid. Naps are just not what they used to be.

I’m sure I’m romanticizing the last of couple years, but my mid afternoon break is shrinking daily…

I sit at the kitchen table with my lovely laptop and a can of Zevia. My straw is bent toward me for convenient sipping, and I focus my attention at the tasks at hand.

While the site dashboard loads, I hear Jovie singing “Let it Go.”  She keeps singing “…a kingdom of salvation” instead of “a kingdom of isolation”.  (My eyes get wide, wondering when she’ll move onto the next line.)

The dashboard opens and I tackle the comments first.People are so nice. Well maybe not all…there’s always the snarky person who leaves me a novel about how I’m doing life all wrong. Delete.

Moving on…Update plugins, check stats, add new blog page. I stare at the blank post, but before I can pour my inspired words onto the page I hear disturbing noises from one of the bedrooms.

I sigh and get up, because I’ve learned that ignoring noises at nap time can lead to bigger issues (note: poop explosions, stuck limbs, coloring on walls…ya know, stuff like that).

Besides it’ll give me a few minutes to procrastinate the task of trying to articulate my thoughts.  I walk down the hall.

The noise is coming from my room (where Jace naps). I peak around the corner to see him covered in stickers while practicing his ninja moves on my decorative pillows.

He’s cute, but definitely not napping. We make eye contact. I don’t mention stickers. Rather, I whisper a plea for him to put his head back on the pillow and try to get some sleep.

Walking back to the kitchen, I realize that Jovie’s singing has waned to a low hum and I hear the sweet tinkering of legos. It’s quiet. Jenna must have fallen asleep.

I settle into my seat and hit the space bar to refresh the page. White space.

My mind searches for something significant to write about. Scrounging through the five-dollar movie bin at Walmart… Nothing.

Inspire the mom?  Why did I pick that name? How could I possibly inspire anyone? I’m not Martha Stewart. Besides, anything worth sharing usually ends up covered in peanut butter or Crayola markers… 

Speaking of peanut butter… perhaps a spoonful will send my sluggish thoughts into motion…

Still nothing.

Glancing at my planner of ideas, I pull one off the page and start writing. I push through. 200 words…300 words…

And I hear it.

A door. At first it’s quiet, but then it hits the doorstop with a vengeance.  The parade begins. The other doors open to usher in an afternoon of snacks, outdoor play, and watercolor splatters on the table.

Reluctantly, I close my laptop. Jenna climbs into my lap and lays her head on my shoulder  (She always likes to wake with cuddles).  The other two also move toward my affection.

What ever happened to the blog post? It’s still in my draft folder, ready to be resurrected at the right moment.

Where’s your inspiration for today? I don’t really have anything. 🙂  Because sometimes, this blogging thing just doesn’t happen.

Regardless, life does…

Therefore, I’m learning that I can feel torn between getting stuff done or being a present mom OR I can set those things aside for a later time, take the pressure off myself, and enjoy my kids.

I choose the latter.

Here’s to happy Monday! Hope you all are having a great day! 

img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-8277″ src=”https://www.inspirethemom.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Woes-of-a.png” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”1150″ />

*This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links.

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  1. Hi Jessica, being a naptime blogger is hard! And i know all about the shrinking naptimes, we have 2 who nap still our liam who wakes at 6am on a saturday and is in need of a nap by 2pm, and Griffin who sleeps in and is down for nap by 2pm , but he is 2. But they are not always ready to close their eyes when they should! I often hear toys being played with when they should not! It must be cute listening to Jovie sing ! And what a sight to see , a kid covered in stickers and doing ninja! You are inspiring to me Martha, I mean Jessica!! It is nice to get your blog post published but its nice that it will save itself to be finished later. I am awake early on saturdays (see above!!) so I like to get the weekly post out early . It takes about 20 minutes from start to finish. Have a beautiful day Dear, hugs, Terri xo.

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