E words for kids free learning pack - Inspire the mom
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E Words for Kids

Let’s explore all the excellent E words for kids! With every exceptional word, you are sure to enthusiastically enjoy yourself. Did you enjoy that? The letter E comes with lots of great E words and is a really fun letter to learn along with your students. Today, I’ve got E words for preschool, kindergarten, beginning…

kids homeschool reading log
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15 Creative Ways to Keep a Homeschool Reading Log

Are you wondering how you can keep track of all the books you read in your homeschool? Let’s talk about some creative ways to keep a homeschool reading log that works for your family. We read a lot in our homeschool! I’ve struggled to keep track of what we’ve read all together, not to mention…

letter writing utensils - inspire the mom
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An Introduction to Letter Writing for Kids

Are you thinking about introducing letter writing to your kids? Let me encourage you to take some time and incorporate it into your studies. Being able to communicate in written form is something your kids will be able to use their entire lives. The misconception that letter writing is for handwritten snail mail only, is…

Blank kindergarten homeschool schedule printable - inspire the mom
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Daily Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule

Do you have a kindergartener this year? Let’s talk about coming up with a workable Kindergarten homeschool schedule that works for your family. I have a kindergarten this year, and I’m going to give you a sneak peak into what we do and how it works for us. Keep in mind, I have older children…