An Effective Way to Thrive in Chaos
We have a couple ‘crazy hours’ throughout our day. They are typically the hour before lunch and the hour before dinner. I don’t know if it’s low-blood sugar or a bored anxiety but my kids’ energy goes through the roof.
This is when our small house becomes a race track and a wrestling mat. All organized, quiet activities are somehow no longer interesting.
In a feeble attempt to get dinner made, I find myself doling out obscure instructions every few minutes to bring the chaos to a more manageable level. “Go play!” “Go find something to do!” “Quit throwing pillows!” “Get off the back of the couch!” “No, you may not put that in your mouth!” …You know, normal stuff. 😉
My head spins in the hustle of my multitasking. How do moms handle this? Am I the only one that has these moments DAILY?! Sometimes TWICE a day?! …And dare we discuss the days that it never ends?
These kids are busy bodies with a mission to live life to its fullest. To exude energy and joy on the impulse of smelling dinner in the oven. They get a hankering to body-slam their siblings out of curiosity, and sing out loud for the pure enjoyment of hearing their own voices.
If I wholly live in the moment of chaos and dinner-making, I am overwhelmed. I fight it, shout it down, and hold my breath for the next moment of peace.
But when I live in the moment with a dose of perspective, I can breathe.
Time is liquid. They are children– a short little window of breathless wonder, and they are paying bills and making their own dinners.
Han’s Christian Anderson said, “Enjoy life, there’s plenty of time to be dead.”
I feel called to learn–not just to raise my kids, but to enjoy my life’s work as a mom. To open my hands and let go of the tidy package I think motherhood should look like, and carefully embrace it for what it is.
If I’m striving to tame the chaos, I will forever be disappointed, because it is untamable, unpredictable, and messy. Why else would I need God?
I won’t cower at the thought of someone dropping by tonight during crazy hour. Ok… maybe a teeny-tiny cringe… because yes, it will be loud and more than likely messy, but it will be full. Full of love, life, energy, and a crazy mess of a mom who is trying her best to let go of the trivial matters and embrace today’s gifts.
I feel like this all the time. I am always calling (okay, I maybe yelling, but I hope it’s not) to my toddler to do this or that or not do this or that. It’s tiring…. I let some things go, but I need to keep the peace between her and her sister.
I honestly don’t think I handle chaos well; I feel like i am about ready to lose it by the time bedtime rolls around. I only get joy if I’m able to sneak in a hug and a kiss – that always helps! But I always try to smile through it all. That keeps things feeling rosy!
It is hard especially when ours are so little. Because, you’re right, they need constant supervision. (Which is tiring) but, it won’t always be this way. I keep telling myself, it’s ok if dinner isn’t made on time or the house isn’t perfect… it’s going to be ok. Lots of grace! ?
Hi there,
I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Here’s a link to my post.
Aw! Thank you so much! ❤
Hi Jessica , It seems so similar to my experiences, my kids are always milling around at dinnertime and I have to tell them, go play, go to your room, go outside, it seems endless the commands, but I realise they are being kids, God’s creation , exploring their boundaries in the ways they know how. It is hard when you try to multitask by cooking, unloading the dishwasher and wondering why one kid is crying , all at the same time! But we get through it and can feel accomplishment after they are in bed asleep , recovering from the days activities , and after some clean up we can get our own relaxation time (hopefully!) before bed. We are doing our best for our kids Jessica and we cannot do more than that. Joy comes to Me knowing they are loved for being who they are , all 4 , with their different personalities. Have a great day Jessica. On a side note , How are YOU? Hugs, Terri xoxo.
aw. Such reassuring and kind words! I’m doing great. Enjoying the family, and the beautiful weather. We’ve got a few projects around the house we are planning to tackle on this 3 day weekend! How are you?
Thanks for sharing your experience. It is a relief to know we’re not alone in this journey ?
Motherhood is not only for our kids but for us too?? it changes us…we become better, it may not seem like much but our hearts become larger.
Hugs Jessica
thank you for the kind words! You’re right, it changes and refines us…for the better. 🙂
Oh my goodness yes. Before mealtimes are the nuttiest.
AH…So glad I’m not the only one who has these moments! What is up?? ;)lol