5 Noah’s Ark Craft Ideas
Are you wanting a few Noah’s ark craft ideas? Perhaps for your Sunday school class at church or to do with your own kids at home? If so, I’ve got five, fun Noah and the ark craft ideas to pass your way today.
These crafts are super simple, colorful, creative, and fun. And the best part is, they are really low prep. You can print off the free templates, grab a couple supplies, and you are ready to go.
An estimated age-appropriate range for these Noah’s ark craft ideas would be between preschool through 2nd grade. Though, with some thoughtful consideration and tweaking, these ideas could easily be adapted for older kids as well.
Now, before we dive into the Noah’s art crafts, let’s do a quick review of the story of Noah’s in the Bible…
What is the story of Noah’s ark?
God had created a beautiful earth, but soon became disenchanted with all the sin and evil that the people had brought into His new and wonderful world. So much so, that God decided to wipe them (and their sin) off the face of it.
“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord…”
Out of this grace, God told Noah he was going to send heavy rains and flood the entire earth. He then gave Noah special and specific instructions on how to build an ark for him, his wife, their three sons (and their wives), along with two of every kind of animal on their earth.
And that’s what Noah did.
And just as God had said, the rains came down. For forty days and forty nights the rain plummeted the earth, covering its inhabitants, and wiping it clean.
At the end of the storm, Noah used a dove to test for any hope of dry land. After the second send off, the bird brought back an olive branch! And after the third send off, the dove didn’t return. At that point, Noah knew there was dry land and the flood was over.
After all of this, Noah worshiped the Lord. And God made a promise to never destroy all living creatures again. As a symbol of this promise, God placed a radiant rainbow across the sky.
And even today, when the sun comes out during or after the rain, His bow appears…
What Can Kid’s Learn About the Story of Noah?
The story of Noah reveals some distinct characteristics about God that we can point out to our kids. First, God is a judge. With Him, there are consequences for sins, and rewards for righteousness.
Second, we see that God specializes in detailed plans and impossible scenarios. His ways are not our ways, so there will always be elements of things we don’t understand that will require our faith (just as it did for Noah.)
Next, we can learn that if God gives us a plan to follow, He will provide us with everything we need to accomplish it; wood, nails, energy, animal calls… it will all be there.
Lastly, the story of Noah in the Bible teaches us that God keeps his promises. He is trustworthy, faithful, and unmovable. What He says is solid and true.

5 Noah’s Ark Craft Ideas
Now that your eager listeners have heard the story of Noah, you can bring it home, with some fun hands-on activities, games, and crafts.
Here are five, simple Noah’s ark craft ideas that highlight different elements of the story. You can pick and choose what works for you OR you can do them all!
Note: The Noah’s ark Free template pack is available for download at the end of this post. Please keep in mind that it is for personal or single classroom use.
1. Noah’s Ark Animal Mosaic Craft
For this Noah’s ark animal mosaic craft, print off the giraffe outline (from the free template pack). Next, cut up some yellow and brown card-stock paper into random little pieces. Note: If you have enough time, let your kids do this step because it’s great scissor and fine-motor practice.
Then, have the kids create their own Noah’s ark animal mosaic by glueing the colorful pieces onto the giraffes while trying to stay within the lines. To finish it off, have your students draw an eye on both of the giraffe heads.

2. Noah’s Ark Rainbow Craft
For this Noah’s ark rainbow craft, you will need the God keeps his promises template, Q-tips, kid-friendly paint, and a few cotton balls.
Choose four colors (I used the primary colors) and put small dabs of paint on a paper plate (this will be your kid’s paint palette). Next, give your students a Q-tip for each color and have them dot the paint onto the rainbow.
To finish it off, have them pull and paste the cotton balls onto the clouds. Allow a little time to dry, then it is good to go! (This makes for a great Noah’s ark craft for preschool!)

3. Noah’s Art Silhouette Craft
For this next free Noah’s ark craft idea, cut out the center of the ark shape (template pack) and set it aside. Next, cut some strips of colored paper (I used two shades of brown).
To put this craft together, layer the pre-cut strips of colored paper onto a piece of card stock until it is covered. You can encourage kids to make a pattern with these strips.
Once the base page is finished, glue the pre-cut ark template on top, creating a multi-colored ark to remember the story of Noah by. (For more detailed instructions on this type of craft, see the Silhouette Flower Craft post.)
Note: With the use of scissors and making patterns, this makes for a nice Noah’s art craft for kindergartners.

4. Draw Your Own Puzzle Craft
Another craft idea for the story of Noah and the ark is to have your kids make their own Noah’s ark puzzle. For this easy craft, print the puzzle template page from the Noah’s art craft printable and have your kids draw a scene from the story then cut the pieces out.
(These puzzles pieces can be kept in a little sandwich bag so they can put their puzzles together whenever they want OR they can glue their puzzle together on the blank verse page provided.

5. Noah’s Ark Handprint Dove Craft
This last Noah and the Ark craft features the dove that Noah sent and to see if the waters had receded from the land.
To prep this easy Noah’s ark craft, print the dove verse page then grab some kid-friendly paint and a green and black marker.
To get started, paint the child’s hand then have them carefully press it into the center of the paper. Once they’ve washed their hands and the paint has dried a little, they can draw on a beak, feet, and an olive branch.

Low Prep Noah’s Art Craft Ideas
Each of these Noah and the Ark craft ideas are really easy to get together and are yet really fun for kids to make! These Noah’s ark crafts can be done as a low-prep Sunday school craft, or a last minute addition to a Bible Study you are doing at home with your kids.
Feel free to use the ideas and draw up your own templates OR print off the free Noah’s ark printables I put together. Either way, I hope that these craft ideas will inspire you to get creative and have fun as you share this exciting Bible story with your kids.

Free Noah’s Ark Craft Template Pack
Interested in the free Noah’s Craft Template Pack? This printable resource includes templates for each of the craft ideas listed in this post (Perfect if you are looking for some Noah and the ark activities for Sunday school.) For Access to this freebie, Join the Inspire the Mom Community and sign in with Grow for this exclusive content!
Get it Now!
What are your favorite ways to teach the story of Noah and the Ark?
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