No bake nests -

Easy No-Bake Nests

Lets talk about easy no-bake nests. Jovie and I are reading through Laura Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods and after reading about sugar snow and secret drawings of Jack Frost,  I’m amused. I’m not the only one… mom’s have been doing silly little things for their kids for a long time. 

Elf on the shelf, spontaneous afternoons with homemade slime, or Saturday morning pancakes shaped into action figures…we can’t help ourselves. Seeing delight on our kids faces is a notable perk of parenting.

Cashing in on this perk, I decided it was time for a fun, crafty snack.

Since spring is just around the corner and because cooking is not something I feel super confident with, I kept it simple. We made No-Bake Nests.

Result? Giggles, chatter, smiles, and fun for an otherwise, ordinary snack time.




How to Make Easy No-Bake Nests


1. Make Healthy No-Bake dough. You can find the recipe HERE. (Trust me, don’t mess with it, its amazing!)

2. Line a cupcake pan with muffin cups  (I used silicone ones).  The first batch, I tried without the liners and ended up regretting it. I couldn’t get them out without flipping the pan over and then of course they all tumbled out at the same time and broke into pieces that had to be eaten out of a bowl like cereal.  #reallife

3. Spoon the amazing chocolatey-ness into the cups and form little nests. My kids liked participating in this finger-licking step  (Just make sure the dough is cool enough for their little fingers).

4. Place them into the freezer for about 20 minutes so they can harden and be removed from the muffin cups.

5. Remove from the cups, and add “eggs” to your nest. (We used yogurt covered raisins, as a healthier alternative to candy.)

6. Eat immediately or turn it into a math lesson. Your choice. 



More Spring Activities for Kids

Looking for some more fun ideas for the Spring months? Here are some other spring crafts for kids, as well as, book lists, and printable resources to get you started!




What other ways could you use the no-bake nests?

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