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Preschool Daily Skill-Builder Binder

Are you wondering if homeschool preschool is right for your family. Let me give you a few things to think about and also show you one of our favorite resources: the Preschool Daily Skill Builder.


How Do I Start Homeschooling my Preschooler?

These are the most basic things you should be developing with your preschooler for a successful home preschool:

  • A Routine– Crafting a basic routine is essential for forming good habits and teaching self discipline. It also brings stability and flow to your days at home.
  • Life Skills -Preschool is great time to intentionally incorporate learning life skills within your routine, such as making their bed each day, cleaning up after themselves, or making a sandwich. By practicing them over and over they develop habits that will last their whole life.
  • Reading aloud to them-It has been statistically proven that children who are regularly read to, from an early age have a significant academic advantage. Vocabulary, sentence structure, imagination, and attention span are only a handful of benefits kids will receive from being read to.
  • Academics– Basic academics include things like letters, numbers, counting, days of the week, months, and prewriting. 




What Can I teach My Preschooler at Home?

What do kids learn in preschool? To answer this question, here is a more detailed list of what your preschooler can learn at home:

1. Calendar: This area includes days of the week, months of the year, seasons, weather, rainbows/colors. (These can easily be learned through songs, memorization, and drawing.)

2. Personal Information: This is understanding and naming relationships (grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, etc), naming and identifying emotions, knowing and naming body parts, spelling/writing their name, demonstrating knowledge of self care, and differentiating between right and left.

3. Letters: This is learning uppercase letters, lowercase letters, letter sounds, and upper and lowercase pairing.

preschool girl working on letter skills

4. Math: Recognizing numbers, matching,  counting, shapes, patterns, coins, tally marks, ten frames, positional words, and addition and subtraction using objects. (Pic: Preschool Learning Folder)

5. Writing: This involves holding a pencil, prewriting practice, writing fluency, as well as, beginning letter and number formation. (Pic: Prewriting Book)

6. Reading: If they have mastered letters, they can begin identifying vowels, beginning and ending sounds, and sight words.

preschool daily skill builder ending sounds

7. Fine Motor: This involves learning things like scissor cutting, painting and drawing, stacking and building, pincer skills (coordination between index finger and thumb), as well as, operating buttons and zippers. (Many of these things can be learned through play.)

8. Gross Motor: These are large motion skills like balancing on one foot, tricycle riding, tossing and catching a ball, walking up and down stairs while alternating feet, and skipping with a halt.



What is the Best Preschool Curriculum for Homeschool?

The answer will be different for every family. Try to find something that best fits your philosophies and homeschool style and go from there.

You can purchase a formal curriculum like The Good and Beautiful, Sonlight, or Bookshark. OR you can piece together you own.

We are a bit more eclectic and strive more towards literacy-based learning. So we do a TON of reading and hands on learning. Then to cover the basic academics, I assembled this Preschool Daily Skill Builder.



Printable Preschool Daily Skill-Builder:

As a busy, homeschooling mom, l like having a binder for my preschooler that I can easily pull out for daily practice in areas that I know she needs to grow in.

Not only do I love that all of the basics are in one place, but I have a tangible way of tracking her progress.

This printable preschool binder is great for homeschool preschool or is a great resource if you are simply looking to do some preschool activities at home.

There is a checklist to track your student’s progress, and also a sticker chart that allows students to track their own progress.

preschool daily skill builder teacher checklist



Preschool Daily Skill Builder Assembly:

This can be put into binder form OR simply used as a print and go resource. I assembled mine as a wipe-off binder so we could reuse it daily (with the exception of the fine motor section). I keep the fine-motor activities separate and pull those out as needed.

Materials I used:(Amazon Affiliate links included in this list)

Note: there is some prep work and basic materials needed for the preschool fine motor activities.

Preschool Daily Skill Builder Download for You

You can find the Preschool Daily Skill Builder Binder in my tpt store. It is a great printable preschool curriculum for at home learning, supplemental morning work, OR for use in a traditional preschool classroom setting. 

Preschool Daily Skill Builder Contents

This printable preschool curriculum focuses on preschool skill-building in seven different areas: Calendar, personal, numbers, letters, reading, and fine motor skills. 


How Can I Teach My Preschooler at Home

Doing preschool at home can feel a bit daunting, but let me give you a little confidence. You can do it.

You are already a full-time teacher. You’ve taught your kids to put their clothes on, to feed themselves, and pick up their toys. (Well that might still be a work in progress, but you get the point.)

Preschool is more of the same thing. You will be teaching additional life skills, developing a routine, reading aloud, and teaching very basic beginner academics.

The great thing is, it can all be done from the comfort of your home. The place where you child is most safe, happy, and loved.

Other Homeschool Preschool Printables


What skills are you currently working on with your preschooler?

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  1. You are doing such an excellent job with your home school projects. My daughter has been home schooling for years and it is a tremendous amount of work. I give you an A+

  2. Your work is absolutely amazing. Your creativity has no limits ,and that is truly inspiring. Everything is so bright and colourful. This type of creativity and innovation will take out laziness from any child . Thank you very very very much.
    Indeed you are amazing , wonderful and blessed.

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