Preschool Learning Folder seasons page

Updated Preschool Learning Folder

I first made the Preschool Learning Folder for my son almost two years ago. It was a ton of work, but I loved the whole process. Not only that, it became a staple preschool resource in our home.


Preschool activity binder
Preschool Learning Folder

Benefits of Using the Preschool Learning Folder

Other than the fact that it’s fun and colorful, let me share some of the benefits of this printable preschool resource.

  1. There is no writing is required. Most preschoolers are still developing their writing skills and are not ready for worksheets. This interactive learning binder allows them to learn through conversation and moving pieces. 
  2. It covers a lot of material and allows use for a wide spectrum of ages. Preschool is anywhere between the ages of 3-5. There are vast developmental capabilities within those ages. This printable preschool activity can be used for kids at the beginning and end of that spectrum. 
  3. This resource gives parents a guide of what to teach their preschooler. 
  4. It incorporates fine motor skills. Even if you child is not fully understanding all the concepts, they are moving the pieces and exercising their fine motor as well as, pincer skills.


What are the Learning Areas in Preschool?

I get asked a few questions over and over when it comes to how we have done our preschool at home. One of these is,  “What do preschoolers learn?”  To answer the question, there are so many things that your preschooler can learn at home. But here are a few general learning areas:

1. Calendar: This area includes days of the week, months of the year, seasons, weather, colors. (These can easily be learned through songs, memorization, and drawing.)

2. Personal Information: This is understanding and naming relationships (grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, etc), naming and identifying emotions, knowing and naming body parts, spelling/writing their name, demonstrating knowledge of self care, the five senses, and differentiating between right and left.

3. Letters: This is learning uppercase letters, lowercase letters, letter sounds, and upper and lowercase pairing.

4. Math: Recognizing numbers, matching,  counting, shapes, patterns, coins.

5. Writing: This involves holding a pencil, prewriting practice, writing fluency, as well as, beginning letter and number formation. 

6. Reading: If they have mastered letters, they can begin identifying vowels, beginning and ending sounds, rhyming words, and sight words.

7. Fine Motor: This involves learning things like scissor cutting, painting and drawing, stacking and building, pincer skills (coordination between index finger and thumb), as well as, operating buttons and zippers. (Many of these things can be learned through play.)

8. Gross Motor: These are large motion skills like turning pages, balancing on one foot, tricycle riding, tossing and catching a ball, walking up and down stairs while alternating feet, and skipping with a halt.


Note: the Preschool Learning folder addresses all of these preschool subject areas with the exception of writing. 

What age should I start Preschool Instruction?

This is another question I’m asked regularly. I think the official preschool age is between 3-5 but you can start teaching your child anytime you want! You can call this a preschool OR toddler learning folder. If they are ready and eager to learn, go for it! 

Keep in mind, every child is unique and develops at different rates. Making it fun and being sensitive to their capabilities will ensure that their first learning experiences are good.


How we Use the Preschool Learning Folder

We typically introduce this folder when our kids are either two or three, depending on their readiness. Usually, I sit with them and talk about the page they are working on, or sing a little song to help them remember the days of the week or learn their letters.

I like to ask questions like:

  • What color is that?
  • Can you name the shapes?
  • What letter does the word ‘sun’ start with?
  • Can you think of another word that rhymes with ‘cat’?
  • What number comes before 5? What number comes after?
  • Can you make a pattern like this using something else?
  • Can you count by 5’s standing on one foot?
  • What does the weather look like today?
  • Can you put all the pennies in one pile and all the dimes and nickels in another pile?

And other times, I would let them go through the folder on their own.

How to Assemble the Preschool Learning Binder

While I did make this preschool printable more cut-friendly, this notebook still takes some prep work, as far as, the laminating, cutting, and adding velcro goes. However, enlisting the help of older kids or a spouse really helps to make the process go faster. 

Assembly materials used:

Note: don’t skimp on the velcro (the binder will last longer if the pieces stick well).

How to Store the Preschool Learning Folder

In my experience, keeping the pieces attached to each page works the best. I’ve taught my kids to do one page at a time, and make sure the pieces are back in place, before they turn to work on the next.


Get the Full Preschool Learning Folder on TPT

This Preschool Learning Folder was made with my kiddos in mind. However, I have also made it available for you in my Teachers Pay Teacher’s Store. If you would like this resource for your homeschool or classroom you can find the DOWNLOAD HERE.

Free Preschool Learning Folder Inserts

Free Preschool Learning Folder Inserts

Want to try out the learning folder OR add topics your child’s learning folder? If so, you can get some free preschool learning folder insert pages here.

The Free Preschool Learning Folder Inserts Include:

  • Uppercase letters
  • Self Care (nutrition, hygiene, health)
  • Continents of the World
  • Ocean Animals
  • Farm Animals
  • Planets
  • Emotions

How Can I prepare My Child for Kindergarten?

If you are a new preschool Mama and are planning on doing some kindergarten-prep at home, here are a few tips to make the most of your preschool daily binder.

  • Develop a daily routine– This gives them a daily plan to follow, and a great framework to practice learning life skills as well as good learning habits.
  • Teach life skills. Begin to intentionally incorporate life skills within your routine, such as making their bed each day, cleaning up after themselves, or making a sandwich. These things develop skills like self-discipline, following directions, and self-care.
  • Read out loud to your child every day! It has been statistically proven that children who are regularly read to, from an early age have a significant academic advantage. Vocabulary, sentence structure, imagination, and attention span are only a handful of benefits kids will receive from being read to. 
  • Teach some basic academics. Basic academics include things like letters, numbers, counting, days of the week, months, and prewriting.
Preschool Learning Folder seasons page


Other Printable Preschool Resources


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  1. I have your previous Preschool Book pages and loved doing them with my boys! Looking forward to getting the updated version!

  2. Hi, loved your patterns for teaching. As I have child with downsyndrome n he’s a slow learner your pattern will help me a lot… Thanks for the wonderful vision for teaching?

  3. Hi! Looking forward to adding this to my granddaughter’s preschool learning! Does it come with the cute cover sheet for the front of the binder?

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