25 Preschool Activities That Will Build a Love for Learning
Looking for some preschool activities that will build a love for learning? I’ve got some ideas for you.

How do you build a love for learning in your preschooler?
We all want our kids to enjoy learning, right? But how do we achieve this? Is there some magic formula? I think there is. Here it is. Are you ready for it?
Keep it fun. Keep it relational.
Have you noticed your preschooler’s endless questions and interest in what you are doing? Kids are born with a natural curiosity and love of learning but not only that, they want to do it with YOU.
The magic formula is this: Answer their questions, let them try, read them books, and provide them with new hands-on learning activities, and do it all with them. It’s that easy.
25 preschool activities that will build a love for learning
There are so many wonderful creative learning activities for preschoolers at home. Here is a list of some of our favorites:
- Reading aloud together– Read, read, read! It has been statistically proven that kids who are regularly read to from an early age are given an academic advantage.
- Going on a walk out in nature– Go to a park or just walk through your neighborhood. Talk about names of flowers and look for new things to discover.
- Indoor or outdoor scavenger hunts– Give your kids a challenge to find specific things. This gets them searching, sorting, and following directions.

- Bake a treat together– Build family bonds and create in the kitchen. Let your kids measure, count, and of course, taste.
- Sensory play– Have your kids experiment with different textures: sand, rice, water, etc.
- Do the Preschool Learning Folder together- work on preschool concepts with this fun, hands-on resource.
- Build with Legos– Practice fine motor skills, problem solving, and creativity through block building play.
- Plant flowers– Get your hands dirty while you talk about the life cycle of a plant.
- Build a fort- Let your kids figure out ways to construct a fort. Problem solving, creativity, and a whole lot of fun.
- Sing songs– Singing songs is great way to learn the days of the week, months, verses. etc. put it in song-form and they will learn!
- Make up stories– A great way to teach sequencing and creativity is to tell stories to each other. Come up with characters, plots, and settings. Talk about ways to make it more interesting.

- Play with Play dough– You can use counting play dough mats, play dough tools, or just hands. This is a wonderful sensory activity. (Check out my gluten-free play dough alternatives.)
- Organize a drawer together– With this age, anything you do ‘together’ is fun, even cleaning. Work together to organize a drawer. Practice sorting, decluttering, putting things in order.
- Dance to different types of music– Play folk, opera, or jazz while your little one gets their groove on. Discuss terms like fast, slow, high, low, loud, soft, rhythm, tempo etc.
- Do a science experiment– Make a erupting volcano or Ice cream in a bag. Discover how something works and have fun doing it.
- Practice writing letters with sidewalk chalk– Have fun learning letters by practicing them outside in the driveway.
- Play dress up– So much information is processed through imaginary play. Encourage dress up and even play along.
- Make a paper craft– Practice using scissors and glue, make a handprint heart tree, sunflower paper craft, or a silhouette flower.
- Have a poetry tea party– This is a great way to introduce poetry to your kids. Let them snack and sip tea while you read some great poetry books for kids to them.
- Take a trip to the library– Visit the library. Listen to a story time, play in the kids area, then pick out some books to enjoy at home.
- Draw, paint, and color– Try copying a famous painting, drawing letters, or coloring within the lines. These are great activities for building fine motor skills as well as discussions about art, colors, and composition.
- Do a fun reading challenge– add a fun spin onto your daily reading by doing a reading challenge.

- Start a rock collection– Get outside and discover rocks. Talk about the different types of rocks then practice sorting them. (Check out these nature sorting mats, they are great for this type of thing.)
- Visit the zoo– Get a real life look at animals that your kids have only seen in books and movies.
- Help fix something– Can your preschooler help you solve a problem? Perhaps they can use a screw driver or a small hammer and be a part of the process of fixing something.
(I said I would stop at 25, but here’s 5 more bonus ideas.)
- Go bird watching– Break out the binoculars and your Audubon book and see what birds you can discover. Learn their names and what types of habitats they live in.
- Care for a pet together– Learn responsibility as you care for a pet together. This is great activity for kids to learn about daily discipline, love, care for others.
- Sort money– Get out you kid’s piggy banks and let the learning begin. Discuss coin names and values, practice counting, and even talk about terms like saving, spending, and giving.
- Spell words using fridge magnets– Work on letter recognition and even spelling with refrigerator magnets. Have them find specific letters, spell their name, or even try some sight words.
- Make a map of your neighborhood- Have your kids get an understanding of their surroundings by mapping out their neighborhood
What exactly should my preschooler be learning?
Check out this full, printable list of everything your preschooler can learn at home. This checklist covers all the preschool subjects including calendar, math, reading, personal, alphabet, writing, fine/gross motor, character, and music.

What are your favorite preschool learning activities that you think help to develop a love of learning?
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