The App Every Parent Needs

Yesterday, I had a load of laundry that needed folded and all three of my children were trying to climb into the basket as I was trying to pull stuff out of the basket. I sat them down on the couch next to me and gave them my phone so they would watch a ten minute Bible story while I frantically folded clothes. Enter the Parent Cue App! (The app every parent needs)


There are a ton of great resources out there for parents to foster faith in their kids, and I would like to share one of my favorites with you today. One of the reasons I love it is because it is perfect for times like this. 

The Parent Cue App goes along with the Orange curriculum our church uses, and coincides with the lessons they are being taught in church classes each Sunday. But it can also serve as a stand alone resource if your church doesn’t use that particular curriculum.

The whole basis for this app is to equip parents to take advantage of the time they have with their kids at home, by teaching them about God.

This is a handy resource to whip out when you need an extra moment to finish folding the laundry or a quick cue to incorporate the Bible into your child’s day.


How the Parent Cue App works:

Before you begin: take a couple minutes and set up a profile page for each child. (This is important because the content for each child will be geared specifically to their age.)




On each child’s page are six categories that will feature something new each week to share with that child.

1.Watch this: A video dramatizing the Bible story supporting the topic or theme for the week.

2. Remember this: A memory verse to work on with your kids that goes right along with the big idea.

3. Say this: This is similar to a catechism. The app gives you a truth to speak to your child and you have them repeat it back. 

4. Do this: This is an action prompt to give you a specific faith-building idea at one of these teachable moments in your child’s day:

5. It’s Just a Phase: This is a cool little segment that offers you little bits of information about the developmental stage of your child. This week my four-year-old’s read: “This is the age where children have imaginary friends and play imaginary games.”

6. Don’t Miss it: This is a countdown that tells you how many weeks you have left before your child graduates High School. (I love this little reminder to take the time to foster faith today.)

Cultivating faith in our kids isn’t always an organized Bible study around the kitchen table. Sometimes it’s us making small, intentional choices throughout the day to teach them about God. And hey, if it helps us get laundry folded in the meantime, double win! 🙂

If you’re interested check it out HERE!

This is not a sponsored post, just a mama’s appreciation for a great resource! 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

What are your favorite apps for kids?

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  1. Great! Thanks for sharing. I will share this on my church’s FB page. I bet other parents who bring their kids to Sunday School would like this.

  2. I think this may be the same company that created our VBS curriculum. It is Gadgets and Gizmos by the Rethink Group, but when you buy it – is at the The Orange Store. They offer lots of other leadership and church goodies too that look amazing. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂

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