Spring Themed Prewriting and Shape Activities
Today I’m sharing these printable Spring Prewriting worksheets as well as, some other fun prewriting resources and activities!

What is prewriting?
First off, lets answer the question, “What is prewriting?”
Simply put, prewriting is developing the fine motor skills needed to begin writing. In so many words, it is a gentle introduction to handwriting.
The child works to build fine motor skills, becomes acclimated to a pencil, expands their attention span, and eventually learns simple lines needed to form letters.
(Prewriting strokes include: vertical and horizontal lines, diagonal lines, x’s, plus signs, squares, circles, and triangles.)

What are some ways to help develop prewriting skills?
First, let kids play. The best way to being building their fine motor skills is to use their hands with things like building blocks, play dough, or sensory bins. Also, crafts with string, lacing cards, and paper crafts are getting for budding pincer skills as well.Â
Secondly, to become acclimated to a pencil, let your child explore holding and using various writing utensils. Try markers, pens, colored pencils, crayons, and paint brushes. It’s like learning to use a fork, it takes time and practice to get the utensil to do what you want.
Thirdly, by taking periods of time to work on a specific task whether it is play or a craft, you are growing their attention span (their ability to focus on one thing for longer). This life skill will invaluable for their future education.
Once your child feels comfortable holding a pencil correctly you can begin to teach the basic strokes of handwriting. You can use a prewriting curriculum, printable worksheets (like the ones I’m sharing today), or simply demonstrate on a blank piece of paper.
Either way, Practice, practice, practice. Give your student a writing utensil and have them practice. It’s not about perfection, it’s about building muscle strength, hand-eye coordination, and attention.

Printable Spring Prewriting Worksheets
I enjoy putting together these prewriting activities for my preschoolers. I have a fall and winter option, so I wanted to add to the collection with a spring-themed notebook.
These spring prewriting worksheets include 30 pages that focus on the building of fine motor skills while introducing the basic strokes of handwriting, as well as, shape recognition.
How to Make the Prewriting Worksheets ReusableÂ
(There are amazon links in this list. I may earn a commission from sales made. Thank you!)
This is a small activity notebook. I chose a durable 1/2 inch three-ring binder as well as, heavy weight, clear page protectors that could withstand the use of a three-year old.
I inserted the 30 page printable into the page protectors and enclosed them within the three-ring binder, and voila! Done!
I love turning these pages into a wipe-off resource because little ones fly through the pages and when you have them in the clear page protectors they can revisit them over and over.
Spring prewriting reusable folder materials:
- Clear Page Protectors
- 1/2 inch Three Ring Binder
- Kids Fine Point Dry Erase Markers
- Spring-Themed Prewriting Activities
How We Use the Spring Prewriting Worksheets
We use our prewriting worksheets for our preschooler to do on while I am working on school with the other two. Â She loves these prewriting activity binder and asks for it almost daily.
I want it to be a fun and a very, gently-guided activity. Therefore, I don’t correct or make any changes. We talk about the pictures and shapes, and celebrate when she is able to follow the lines.

Printable Prewriting Worksheets pdf
Are you interested in spring-themed prewriting activity pages for your preschooler? If so, get these printable spring prewriting worksheets on Tpt and get your little one started today.
More Printable Prewriting Resources
Looking for more preschool prewriting activities? If so, check out these other fun and engaging resources as well!
- Preschool Prewriting Books Bundle
- Winter Prewriting Activities
- Summer Prewriting Activities
- Fall Prewriting Activities
- Christmas Prewriting Book

Additional Preschool Resources:
- The Importance of Building Prewriting Skills in Preschoolers
- Things your Preschooler Can Learn at Home
- Preschool Learning Folder
- How to Teach Preschool at Home