Apple Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten
With fall around the corner, I’m sharing a list of apple activities for preschool and kindergarten. These ideas would be great for building an apple-themed unit study or simply for planning a few fun apple-related activities for the season. Lets get started!
What can my child learn from studying apples?
This year, I am really loving the idea of creating units for us to use in our homeschool. Submersing ourselves with different faucets of an object or idea. It’s not just a worksheet about the parts of an apple but its books, poetry, music, math, writing, crafts, cooking, and more.
Apples are a great topic to jump into, especially with little ones. From harvest time to the season of autumn, kids can learn a lot from this topic, here are a few more things they can learn:
- Life cycle of fruit
- types of apples
- season of autumn
- cooking and processing food
- parts of an apple
- an empathy for farmers and the work it takes to grow food
- ways to use apples
- the feeling of fall
- story of Johnny Appleseed
Objectives for Apple unit
- Identify general characteristics of apples (shape, color, taste, etc)
- Differentiate apples from the other types of fruit
- Build preschool and kindergarten skills through apple-themed music, crafts, activities, math, language, and imaginative play.
Picture books about apples
(This list contains Amazon Affiliate links.)
- How to Make Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman
- The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall
- Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh
- Apples for Everyone by Jill Esbaum
- Apples to Oregon by Deborah Hopkinson
- The Apple Pie That Papa Baked by Lauren Thompson
- Apples by Gail Gibbons
- Ten Apples on top by Dr. Suess
- Applesauce Day by Lisa J. Amstutz
- Apple Cider Making Days by Ann Purmell
Apple poem for apple unit
I always like to add a memory piece to our units. This one touches on colors, shape, the season, and what we can make with apples. Here is our apple poem download if you would like to add it to your apple unit as well.
Toy and prop ideas for apple unit
(This list contains Amazon Affiliate links)
- Apple lacing cards
- Toy apples of different sizes
- Apples and buckets for sorting
- Apple fraction toy
- Wooden Apple tree counting box
- Wooden apple tree
- Farmer’s market fruit stand
- Farmer dress up clothes (overalls, hats, boots, gloves)
- Big wall tree decor

Music and Videos for apple unit
- Way Up High in an Apple Tree (song)
- I Love Apples (song)
- Apple Facts (video)
- Facts About Apple Trees (video)
- Parts of an apple (video)
Apple Crafts for Preschoolers
- Paper roll apple core craft
- Yarn Apple garland
- Four Seasons tree
- Apple stamping
- Dab & Dot Apple Tree painting
- Popsicle stick A for Apple
Apple Activities for Preschoolers
- Sensory play with water and plastic apples
- Make caramel apples
- Make carved apple mugs
- Go apple picking
- Jumping apple seed experiment
- Make applesauce
- Parts of an apple craft
Apple Math Activities
- Sort colors of apples
- Compare size, shape, & taste
- Free Apple tree counting play dough mats
- Make patterns using different colored apples
- Apple I Spy preschool game
Literacy and Writing activities
- Apple name activity
- alphabet apple stomp
- Apple sense (writing activity)
- Retell an apple story
- Free Apple prewriting and coloring printables
- Describe apples activity
- Apple alphabet clothespin clip cards
- Apple Poem
Dramatic play ideas for apple unit
- Farmer’s Market
- Kitchen for baking pie
- Felt apple tree play
- Pretend apple orchard play
- Apple farmer pretend play
Free Printable apple-themed unit study plan for moms and teachers
For my homeschool moms and teacher friends, I’ve complied all these ideas into a printable resource. This unit builder includes everything in this post and also leaves room for you to add material lists and notes.
Whether you are creating a apple-themed lesson plan for preschool or kindergarten or just thinking of adding some apple activities into your homeschool preschool unit later this year, this is a great printable preschool resource to reference with a lot of ideas to choose from!

Download Apple Unit Study Plan
This printable is part of the Inspire the Mom free resource library. If you are already a member, hop on over to the free resource page. If not, fill out the quick form below and join for access to this freebie as well as other great content.
What are your favorite apple-related activities?
This post contains Amazon affiliate links.