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12 Time Management Hacks for Homeschool Moms

Time management for homeschool moms, let alone moms in general, is typically an area we could all improve on. 

From finding the time to getting all the kids math done, piano practice checked off, read alouds done, science experiments tested, and history discovered, we can stay pretty busy.

Having kids learning at house is a wonderful gift. But let’s admit it, making messes, reading books, and personal tutoring sessions takes time. How can we manage it all? Homeschool time management can be a challenge.

How Do Homeschool Moms Manage Their Time?

Every mom does it a little differently. In the beautiful world of homeschool we have people who are naturally more organized and scheduled, and others who are not. 

There are homeschool moms who write detailed plans and ones who show up at the kitchen table every day and do a few pages in each book. There are moms who plan out individualized units for subjects and others who google things to do on the fly.

I think we all struggle with fitting everything in. We dream big for our kids and want so much for them. But at the end of the day, we need to keep it simple: Love our kids, and present them with beautiful and wholesome learning opportunities. 

So, to create an environment that breeds healthy, happy learning while still maintaining our sanity, here are a few homeschool time management hacks we can incorporate. 

12 Time Management Hacks for Homeschool Moms

1. Be Thankful

Let gratitude drive your attitude and actions throughout the day, and you will find yourself prioritizing what’s truly important: loving your kids where they are at, and cultivating a life-long love for learning.

2. Set Priorities

The next homeschool time management hack is to set priorities based on your child’s needs and interests, prioritize your objectives and focus on those. Everything else is icing on the cake.

3. Have a Routine and be Consistent

Anyone can start homeschooling, the trick is to keep it going. It’s takes self-discipline to show up every day and make space for your child’s learning. But it’s these daily lessons that make a world of difference. Pick a routine that works well for your family and then stick with it. 

4. Keep the Lessons Short

For good homeschool time management, keep your kids lessons short. Focus your lessons, especially for younger kids, they do not need to be super long. In fact, shorter is better. If a child is tired or exasperated, the learning is already done. 

5. Avoid Busy Work

Want a really good homeschool time management hack? Stay away from the extra bonus activities, worksheets, and crafts that serve no purpose. Hint: Textbooks can be traps for this kind of content. Don’t waste time on it. 

6. Plan Ahead and Have Clear Objectives

Whether you use a homeschool planner, a student planner, or simply follow a daily routine. You should be aware of what needs to be accomplished for any given day and then translate that clearly to your kids. If no one knows what they are supposed to be doing, there will, inevitably, be a lot of time wasted.

“Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.” -John C. Maxwell

7. Enroll Help

If you are feeling overwhelmed with the load, ask for help. Perhaps your spouse could do math with a child in the evening or a grandma to could listen to your budding reader.  Outsource your piano lessons, get a math tutor, or trade skills with another homeschool mom. There are a lot of people you could call on to take a few things off your plate and help you on this journey.

8. Keep Your Homeschool Supplies Organized

So much time can be wasted on searching for text books, sharpened pencils, math-manipulatives, and other various homeschool supplies. By keeping your homeschool space tidy and organized, you can save yourself a ton of time. Research  tips on organizing your homeschool space or do a homeschool declutter and get eliminate this time-waster today!

9. Teach Your Kids to Take Initiative

 When we homeschool our kids we have a wonderful opportunity to not only teach academics but character and good habits as well. By teaching things like self-discipline (following a to-do list) or cleanliness (e.g. the ability to keep their desks or school caddy clean), we are teaching them time management. And if your kids are efficient, so are you. 

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” -Aristotle 

10. Individual and Group Work

Ass what work can be done corporately with your kids and what work can be done individually. What can your child do on their own? Copywork? Journaling? What could your kids do together without your help? Listen to each other read? Do spelling word activities? There are opportunities here to manage time in a way so you don’t have to help every child at all times. 

11. Pair Learning with Everyday Life

If your table time is too long and drawn out, pair learning with everyday life. Do your history read-aloud while the kids eat their lunch, practice fractions in the kitchen, or do preschool counting with the laundry. Read with your kids at bedtime and have them read back to you. Do their math outside with sidewalk chalk or learn about money by making a real transaction. Cut down on the big chunk of time that you are asking them to sit down and focus, into bite-sized pieces. 

12. Implement Loop Scheduling

 Loop scheduling is a great way to consolidate your time while covering all your subjects. Here is a guide on how to do loop scheduling.

Homeschool is Not a Race

These are all great hacks to help manage our time, but we need to remember at the end of the day, its not a race.

Being a part of our kid’s learning is an amazing opportunity. It’s not a race to finish a textbook, or to fill their mind with everything we can cram in there. Each child is a unique person and it should be our goal to wake each day and present them with a plethora of good and wholesome ideas.

Whatever your homeschool style, keep it simple. Know your priorities, apply self-discipline, and enjoy these special days with your kids. 


More Resources Homeschool Planning and Organization 

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What are some of your favorite homeschool time management hacks?

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