2 Syllable Words
Need a list of 2 syllable words? If so, I’ve got a super-long list of two-syllable words to share with you, as well as, a free printable of 2 syllable words with pictures that you can use with your early learners.
Learning syllables is foundational to phonological awareness and can be started as early as preschool. Once kids understand how to break apart words, they on their way to becoming a great reader.
With that begin said there are tons of spectacular 2-syllable words for kids to practice. So let’s jump right in! Here is the ultimate list of 2 syllable words from A-Z!

The Ultimate List of 2 Syllable Words
2 syllable words that start with A:
- apple
- able
- about
- acre
- after
- airplane
- April
- apron
- adopt
- award
- artist
- alien
- atom
- adore
- anchor
- abound
- adjust
- alter
- arrow
- answer
- advise
- August
- angle
- angel

2 syllable words that start with B:
Easy 2 syllable words that start with C:
- cafe
- copy
- castle
- circus
- central
- cello
- cookie
- chapter
- camel
- coffee
- comic
- clever
- children
- collar
- coral
- charcoal
- cowboy
- chicken
- crayon
- cabbage
- contest
- courage
- cupcake
- cheetah
2 syllable word examples that start with D:
- damage
- doing
- driver
- dabble
- daily
- dragon
- dozen
- dumpling
- doctor
- digit
- diaper
- dollar
- devil
- daisy
- dinner
- dessert
- decent
- delight
- defy
- deli
- deny
- decide
- decent
- diner
Two syllable words that start with E, F, and G:
- exam
- eagle
- eggplant
- erase
- enjoy
- enter
- elbow
- event
- easel
- funny
- flower
- finger
- fabric
- farmer
- fairy
- freedom
- forgive
- favor
- gentle
- guitar
- giant
- gravy
- garlic
- giggle
- grateful
- glamour
- glitter

2 syllable words that start with H
- happy
- hotdog
- honey
- hello
- heavy
- handle
- hiking
- holy
- hurry
- hungry
- hamper
- hockey
- honor
- harvest
- hammer
- healthy
- handy
- humor
- helpful
- husband
- hippo
Two syllable words that start with I
- igloo
- insect
- iceberg
- income
- itself
- inflate
- icy
- invite
- idol
- input
- image
- include
2 syllable word examples that start with j
2 syllable words that start with K
- kitten
- keyboard
- kitchen
- ketchup
- keychain
- kingdom
- kiwi
- kettle
- kazoo
- kidney
- kindle
- kernel
- kiosk
- knuckle
- kitty
Basic Two syllable words that start with L, M, and N
- laptop
- lizard
- letter
- lettuce
- lemon
- limit
- layer
- logic
- lobby
- little
- locker
- laundry
- leather
- leopard
- napkin
- nosy
- nugget
- noble
- novel
- nachos
- noodle
- nature
- number
- nanny
- ninja
- nectar
- neighbor
- notebook
- menu
- middle
- Monday
- myself
- margin
- mirror
- maple
- metal
- million
- machine
- mobile
- master
- merry
- mercy

Simple two syllable words that start with O:
- ocean
- oven
- other
- olive
- otter
- orange
- office
- oatmeal
- orchard
- orchid
- oyster
- over
- oval
- organ
- order
- orca
- obey

Easy two syllable word examples that start with P:
- paper
- pillow
- pencil
- person
- picnic
- pancake
- poem
- package
- postcard
- party
- penny
- panda
- pretty
- palace
- polish
- people
- public
- person
- plenty
- pepper
- poison

Basic two syllable words that start with Q:
Simple two-syllable words that start with R:
- rabbit
- river
- raccoon
- rainbow
- reptile
- reward
- relax
- radar
- robot
- report
- record
- remain
- rubber
- refund
- remove
- reason
- reuse
- reply
2 syllable words that start with S:
- scissors
- slipper
- scooter
- sober
- stable
- sparkle
- selfish
- success
- soccer
- sandal
- social
- shampoo
- scenic
- super
- seven
- shovel
- scarecrow
- somewhere
Easy 2 syllable words that start with T:
- today
- taco
- Tuesday
- turtle
- ticket
- tractor
- truthful
- turkey
- tender
- thunder
- tiger
- tuna
- teapot
- table
- tablet
- taffy
- tickle
- teacher
- tailor
- traffic
- teepee

Two syllable words that start with U, V, and W:
- uphill
- under
- upstairs
- undo
- upset
- uncle
- ugly
- udder
- unit
- urchin
- very
- visit
- village
- vacuum
- vulture
- velvet
- value
- verbose
- waffle
- window
- walrus
- winter
- washer
- wedding
- wagon
- winner
- writer
- windy
2 syllable word examples that start with X, Y, and Z:
Five Fun Syllable Games for Kids
The ability to break up words is huge part phonological awareness and learning how to read! With that being said, here are five fun syllable games you can play with your kids to help them learn all about syllables.
1. Syllable Game #1: Build Syllable Block Towers
For this next game, you will need a some building blocks that stack on top of each other (Duplo or Lego blocks work greats). Call out a word, or give your kids a syllable word card with pictures and have them make a tower using the matching number of syllables. For example, if you child the word u-ni-ver-si-ty their syllable tower should be five blocks high.
2. Syllable Game #2: Jump the Number of Syllables
Using painters tape, make a number ladder on the floor. Next, give your child a word and have them jump up the number ladder (the correct number of syllables). For example, if you say the word ham-bur-ger, your child should jump three rungs up the ladder.
3. Sorting Pictures: Syllable Game #3
Using a white board or post-it notes, make number categories 1-5. Next give your kids a stack of images and have them say each word outloud, clap the syllables, then put the picture into the correct number category. For example, if your child pick ups a picture of an ap-ple, they should place it in the 2-syllable category.
4. Syllable Games #4: Clap the Characters
Read some picture books with your kids and every time you get to a character, stop, clap, and count the syllables in the name. At the end of the book, see ask your child, “Who had the most syllables in their name?” or “Which character had the least amount of syllable?” (This is a great activity for learning syllables as well as, math, and literacy terms.)
5. Puppet Syllables: Syllable Games #5
Give your child a hand puppet and tell them that you are going say a word and you want the puppet to say it back. Let your child know that they will need to help the puppet by opening its mouth for every syllable. For example, if you give your student the word ‘pic-nic’, the puppet should open its mouth when you say ‘pic’ and again when you say ‘nic’.

Free 2 Syllable Words With Pictures
Are you interested in the free printable 2 syllable words with pictures? This resource includes one two-syllable word for each letter of the alphabet. They can be used in chart form or you can cut them up to make 2 syllable words with pictures cards. For instant access to this free resource sign in with Grow for this exclusive content!
Get it Now!
Syllables – Q & A
1. What is a syllable?
A syllable is a single sound used to make words. A word can be made up of on syllable (bus, red, cat, etc) or multiple syllables (pea-nut, el-e-phant, oc-to-pus, cir-cus, etc.)
Each syllable contains one vowel sound and is sometimes referred to as a beat.
2. What is an open syllable?
An open syllable is a syllable that ends in a vowel. Here are some examples of two-syllable words with open syllables:
- ta-co
- ti-ger
- pa-per
- ri-ver
- re-lax
3. What is a closed syllable?
A closed syllable is a syllable that ends in a consonant. Here are some examples of two-syllable words with closed syllables:
- nin-ja
- bas-ket
- pic-nic
- oat-meal
- mil-lion
4. What are some good two syllable words for kindergarten?
Here are a few good two syllable words for kindergarten: apple, basket, chicken, dolphin, eagle, flower, giraffe, and honey.
5. What are some 2 syllable words that rhyme?
Here are some 2 syllable words that rhyme: lizard/wizard, river/liver, flower/shower, letter/sweater, better/letter, mellow/yellow, and feather/weather.
Additional Words for Kids
We have more than two-syllable words! Check out this huge Words for Kids page that has a ton of word lists, new vocabulary ideas, activities, free learning pages, and more!
- Adverbs that start with G
- Adverbs that start with H
- T Words for Kids
- R Words for Kids
- Objects that start with A
- Objects that start with B