3 Syllable Words
Here is a huge list of 3 syllable words! These three-syllable words can be used for learning phonics, early reading activities, spelling, and all sorts of writing projects.
The ability to break words down into syllables is foundational to phonological awareness and many other language art skills and can be started as early as preschool.
So let’s dive in! Here is the ultimate list of 3 syllable words:

The Ultimate List of 3 Syllable Words
3 syllable words that start with A:
- angelic
- amazing
- astronaut
- aroma
- achievement
- ambulance
- apartment
- adventure
- athletic
- autograph
- ambitious
- animal
- alien
- abundant
- attentive
- authentic
- assertive
Three syllable words that start with B:
- banana
- broccoli
- bicycle
- benefit
- barnacle
- befuddle
- bereavement
- barbecue
- burrito
- Bermuda
- buttermilk
- buffalo
- butterfly
- bulldozer
- Baltimore
Easy 3 syllable words that start with C:
- camera
- charity
- cinema
- celery
- capable
- chihuahua
- centipede
- creative
- cucumber
- consider
- cantaloupe
- champion
- chocolate
- chinchilla
- confident
- committed
- chatterbox
- chivalry
- courteous
- cinnamon
- chimpanzee
3 syllable word examples that start with D:
- dinosaur
- dragonfly
- director
- discipline
- determine
- Dorito
- daffodil
- destiny
- decorate
- descriptive
- debacle
- domino
- devoted
- dedicate
- decisive
- delightful
- Dalmatian
Three syllable words that start with E, F, and G:

3 syllable words that start with H
- harmony
- hamburger
- hazelnut
- hickory
- heritage
- humorous
- havarti
- hemisphere
- hesitant
- harpsichord
- heartwarming
- honeydew
- horseradish
- handkerchief
Three syllable words that start with I

3 syllable word examples that start with J
3 syllable words that start with K
- karate
- kangaroo
- kissably
- kielbasa
- kinetic
- knowingly
Three syllable words that start with L, M, and N
- ladybug
- lasagna
- licorice
- library
- lollypop
- litany
- liberal
- logical
- medicine
- microwave
- manager
- museum
- mystery
- mosquito
- memory
- majestic
- newspaper
- notable
- nocturnal
- numerous
- Nightingale
- nautical
- nectarine
- neighborly
3 syllable word examples that start with O
- octopus
- organize
- oxygen
- October
- Olympics
- orderly
- objective
- organic
- optimum

Easy three syllable words that start with P
- papaya
- platypus
- porcupine
- pelican
- pineapple
- parmesan
- Portugal
- piccolo
- petunia
- potato
- pajamas
- parachute
3-syllable words that start with Q
Three syllable word examples that start with R
- rotary
- rosemary
- replica
- readily
- raspberry
- rattlesnake
- rectangle
- Romania
- ricochet

3 syllable words that start with S
- strawberry
- satisfy
- screwdriver
- saxophone
- skeleton
- spatula
- spaghetti
- scorpion
- salami
Easy 3-syllable words that start with T
- tomorrow
- trampoline
- trapezoid
- talented
- terrific
- tremendous
- triumphant
- tomato
- tangerine
- treacherous
- tapioca
- tortilla
- tambourine
- telephone
- theology
Three syllable words that start with U,V and W
- umbrella
- underground
- unicorn
- uniform
- utensil
- unhappy
- understand
- ultimate
- united
- vacation
- violin
- victory
- vanilla
- volcano
- vinegar
- vehicle
- viola
- vitamin
- visitor
- Wednesday
- whoever
- whimsical
- whimpering
- woodpecker
- wallaby
- woverine
- wasabi
- worktable
- watercress

3-syllable word examples that start with X, Y, Z

Fun and Easy Syllable Activities for Kids
Learning to break apart word into syllables is foundational to phonological awareness and learning how to read! With that being said, let me give you four fun syllable activities you can do with your kids.
1. Build Syllable Block Towers
For the syllable block tower activity, you will need to get some building blocks. To play, give your kids a word and have them build a tower using the correct number of syllables that matches the word given. For example, if you give your child the word ‘ba-nan-a’ their syllable tower should be three blocks high.
2. Clap the Syllables
Get a stack of your favorite picture books and read with your kids. Tell your child that whenever you stop, you guys are going to pause and count the syllables in that word. What word had the most syllables? Which word had the least amount of syllables?
3. Syllable Snacks
For this next syllable activity, you are going to lay out a whole bunch of food items. To play, have your child say, clap, and count the syllables for every food item. For extra practice, have your kids see if they can spell each of the words, writing one syllable at a time.
4. Jump the Syllables
This next syllable activity is great for your active-learner. To do this activity, call out a word and have your child jump the correct number of syllables in the word. This activity would be fun on a trampoline, or even on a large cushion or pillow. (To switch things up, have your child be the one to call out the words while you jump.)
Syllables – Q & A
1. What is a syllable?
A syllable is a single sound used to make words. A word can be made up of on syllable (bus, red, cat, etc) or multiple syllables (pea-nut, el-e-phant, oc-to-pus, cir-cus, etc.)
Each syllable contains one vowel sound and is sometimes referred to as a beat.
2. What is an open syllable vs. a closed syllable?
An open syllable is a syllable that ends in a vowel. Here are some examples of two-syllable words with open syllables: ta-co, ti-ger, and paper.
A closed syllable is a syllable that ends in a consonant. Here are some examples of two-syllable words with closed syllables: nin-ja, bas-ket, and pic-nic.
3. What are some good 3-syllable words for 4th graders?
Elephant, telephone, library, celery, camera, hospital, tomato, vitamin, tomorrow, volcano, hexagon, and envelope.
4. What are some positive 3-syllable words?
Fantastic, terrific, investment, magnetic, maximum, thanksgiving, classical, helpfulness, and important.
5. What are some 3 syllable words for animals?
Crocodile, pelican, octopus, kangaroo, buffalo, chickadee, flamingo, chimpanzee, woodpecker, unicorn, scorpion, rattlesnake, gorilla, dragonfly, butterfly, dinosaur, and porcupine.

More Words for Kids
Visit our huge Words for Kids page that has a ton of word lists for kids, as well as, activities, free learning pages, vocabulary lists, and more!
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