5 Syllable Words
Looking for some 5 syllable words? If so, I’ve got a huge five-syllable word list to give you today.
The ability to break words into syllables is essential for reading, writing, spelling and more. With this list, you can explore the 5 syllable word options you have to work with.
So without further ado, here is the ultimate list of 5 syllable words:

The Ultimate List of 5 Syllable Words
5 syllable words that start with A:
- abbreviation
- appendicitis
- abdominally
- aboriginal
- alphabetical
- accelerating
- accidentally
- accommodating
- accumulation
- astrological
- authenticity
- advantageously
- abracadabra
- additionally
- autonomical

Five syllable words that start with B:
- Babylonian
- bacterially
- ballistically
- behaviorally
- bibliography
- bicentennial
- beautification
- believableness
- belligerently
- benefically
- benevolently
- bewilderingly
- biomagnetic
- bombastically
- Brachiosaurus
- bilingually
- botanically
- bohemianism
Easy 5 syllable words that start with C:
- cafeteria
- calcification
- camaraderie
- canonically
- capability
- catatonia
- centralization
- ceremonious
- celebrational
- choreography
- chromatically
- coagulated
- colonialized
- communicative
- companionability
- compassionately
- competitiveness
- complicatedness
5 syllable word examples that start with D:
- didactlically
- deactivated
- debilitated
- decelerating
- deciduousness
- decolorization
- deferentially
- degeneracy
- deliriously
- deliverable
- deodorizer
- departmentally
- deteriorate
- devotionally
- dimentionally
- disobedient
- documentary
- dramatically
Five syllable word examples that start with E, F, G:
- eccentrically
- echolocation
- economical
- educational
- effectually
- electricity
- elementary
- emancipation
- environmental
- exaggerating
- exceptionally
- extenuating
- extravagantly
- facilitating
- falsification
- familiarizing
- fanatically
- favorableness
- federalizing
- femininity
- figuratively
- finalization
- flexibility
- fortification
- fossilization
- fundamentally
- galvanization
- genealogist
- generalising
- genrically
- geographical
- geometrical
- gigantically
- glamorization
- governmentally
- grammatically
- granularly
- gratification
- gravitational
Easy 5 syllable words that start with H:
- habilitated
- habitually
- hematologist
- hereditary
- hesitatingly
- hexadecimal
- hieroglyphic
- hilariously
- hippopotamus
- historically
- holistically
- homeopathy
- hypersensitized
- hypothermia
- hypnotically
- hypocritical
- hypothetical
Five syllable words that start with I:
- Ichthyosaurus
- idealistic
- identically
- ideology
- idiopathic
- idyllically
- illegitimate
- illiteracy
- imaginative
- immatureity
- immediately
- inadequately
- incidentally
- incomparable
- inexplicable
- infatuation
- institutional
- instrumentalist
Five syllable words that start with J:
- janitorial
- jellification
- Jeffersonian
- jocularity
- jollification
- journalization
- judicatory
- juridically
- justifiable
5 syllable word examples that start with K:
Five syllable word examples that start with L, M, N:
- laboratory
- laboriously
- lackadaisical
- laryngeally
- latitudinal
- legalization
- legibility
- legitimacy
- lethargically
- liabilities
- liberality
- likeability
- lubricational
- luxuriantly
- macadamia
- macrobiotic
- magisterial
- magnification
- majestically
- materialize
- mathmatical
- matrimonial
- memorization
- micronutrient
- minimization
- momentarily
- municipally
- musicality
- narcotically
- nationality
- naturopathy
- neapolitan
- necessarily
- negativity
- nomadically
- nonacquiescence
- nonflammable
- nonpolitical
- nonpredictable
- notifiable
- notoriously
- nullification
Easy 5 syllable words that start with O, P, Q:
- obediently
- obituary
- objectionably
- obliterable
- occasionally
- ocuupational
- operational
- opinionative
- opportunity
- originally
- overcertified
- overimposing
- overinflated
- oxidizable
- pacifically
- paleaology
- Palestinian
- paralyzingly
- parasitical
- parenthetical
- participated
- particularly
- Pennsylvania
- perceptually
- perpetuated
- punctuality
- pyramidical
- quadratically
- quadrilateral
- quadriplegia
- quadruplicating
- quaduplicated
- quadruplication
- qualification
- qualifyingly
- quantifiable
- quantitatively
- qualificator
- quarantinable
- quintuplication
- quizzicality
Five syllable words that start with R:
- radiational
- radioactive
- radiologist
- ramification
- rationalising
- rearticulate
- recalculation
- recoverable
- redefinition
- refamiliarize
- reflectivity
- reintroduction
- reorganizer
- representative
- retaliating
- reunifying
- revelational
- reverberation
- ridiculously
- revolutionize
- rudimentary
5 syllable words that start with S:
- sacramentalism
- salutatory
- sanctification
- sanitarium
- sanitation
- satisfactory
- satisfyingly
- Scandinavia
- schizophrenia
- scrutinization
- secondarily
- secretarial
- semicircular
- sensationalism
- singularity
- socialization
- spectacularly
- spiritualism
- stratification
- sympathetical
- synonymity
Five syllable words that start with T:
- tabularizing
- tangibility
- techicality
- temporarity
- terminatively
- terrifically
- territorial
- testimonial
- theatrically
- theologian
- theoretical
- touristically
- tracheotomy
- transfiguration
- translationally
- triangularly
- tuberculosis
- twistability
5-syllable words that start with U,V W:
- ultraviolet
- unabashedly
- unaccessible
- unappetizing
- unatrractable
- urbanization
- valedictory
- valuableness
- vaporisation
- vegetational
- verifiable
- versification
- washability
- Washingtonian
- weldability
- whimsicality
- winterization
- workability
5 syllable words that start with X,Y,Z:
- xenogenesis
- xenophobia
- xerodermia
- yarovization
- Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavian

Syllable Word Activities for Kids
Being able to break apart words into syllables is foundational to phonological awareness and learning how to read! Here are a few syllable-building activities you can do with your students.
1. Syllable Scavenger Hunt
Put a collection of items in the middle the room (words with various amounts of syllables). To begin, call out a number and the student has to find an item that has that correct amount of syllables in its word.
2. Syllable Bean Bag Toss
To play the syllable bean bag toss, get your kids into pairs. To begin, instruct your students that you are going to call out a word and they are going to toss the bag to their partner on each syllable. At the end of the word they both need to shout out the correct number of syllables in the word given. (The first pair to shout out the correct answer wins that round.)
3. Syllable Picture Sort
On a chalkboard or with post-it-notes, make categories (numbers 1-5). Next give your students a stack of images and have them say each word out loud, clap the syllables, then place the image into the correct number category. For example if your student has a picture of a hippopotamus, they would put that image in the 5-syllable category.
Syllables – Q & A
1. What is a syllable?
A syllable is a single sound used to make words. A word can be made up of one syllable (bus, red, cat, etc) or multiple syllables (pea-nut, el-e-phant, oc-to-pus, cir-cus, etc.)
Each syllable contains one vowel sound and is sometimes referred to as a beat.
2. What are some positive 5 syllable words?
Beautification, serendipity, satisfyingly, reunifying, likability, knowability, hilariously, specatularly, terrifically, exceptionally, and authenticity.
3. What are some cool 5 syllable words?
Urbanization, twistability, kaleidoscopic, benevolently, and abracadabra.
Additional Words for Kids
We have tons of additional words for kids resources! Visit our huge Words for Kids page for more words lists, activities, free learning pages, vocabulary, and more!
- 1 Syllable Words
- 2 Syllable Words
- 3 Syllable Words
- 4 Syllable Words
- T Words for Kids
- R Words for Kids
- Objects that start with A
- Objects that start with B