1 Syllable Words
The ability to break words into syllables is foundational to phonological awareness. Today I’m going to share a huge list of 1 syllable words.
These one syllable words can be used for learning phonics, vocabulary, early reading activities, spelling, as well as, all sorts of other writing projects.
(And if you are ready, because sure to check out these 2 syllable, 3 syllable, and 4 syllables words as well!)
Now for our list! Here is the ultimate list of 1 syllable words:

The Ultimate List of 1 Syllable Words
1 syllable words that start with A:
- add
- aid
- air
- age
- act
- aim
- ale
- ace
- ain’t
- all
- art
- and
- ant
- ash
- ape
- arc
- ark
- axe
- aux
- awe
- awl

One syllable words that start with B:
- back
- bail
- babe
- badge
- bag
- bake
- ban
- ball
- bad
- bald
- bat
- bark
- barn
- bath
- beet
- bench
- beg
- best
- bit
- blade
- blue
- boat
- bowl
- both
- breeze
- bridge
- budge
- buck
- bulb
- bunk
- bug
- bull
- build
- burn
- bush
- but
- buy
- bud
- bunch
Easy 1 syllable words that start with C:
- cab
- cache
- cage
- cain
- calk
- call
- calm
- came
- can
- car
- card
- care
- cat
- catch
- caught
- cause
- chair
- chain
- chalk
- cheap
- cheat
- cheer
- chest
- choice
- chord
- churn
- climb
- cliff
- clip
- cloud
- clove
- cold
- cook
- cool
- craft
- crack
- cup
- curl
- cute
1 syllable word examples that start with D:
- dam
- daft
- dame
- dance
- dank
- dart
- dash
- dawn
- day
- daze
- dead
- dear
- deer
- death
- deed
- den
- dent
- die
- dig
- dill
- dim
- dime
- dine
- doe
- dog
- dirt
- doll
- dome
- done
- dose
- dot
- drain
- drubj
- draw
- drill
- drip
- drum
- dry
- duck
One syllable word examples that start with E, F, and G:
- ear
- earl
- earn
- earth
- east
- eat
- edge
- eel
- eight
- elk
- elm
- eye
- face
- fact
- fast
- fall
- faith
- field
- fire
- fly
- float
- free
- fry
- fuzz
- gag
- gage
- gal
- game
- gang
- germ
- give
- gland
- goose
- good
- grow
- guy

1 syllable words that start H:
- had
- hag
- hail
- half
- hall
- halt
- ham
- hard
- hare
- harp
- hat
- hate
- have
- hay
- head
- hike
- hill
- hog
- hold
- hole
- home
- hook
- hope
- hug
One syllable words that start I:
- in
- it
- imp
- ill
- ice
- inch
- ink
- inn
- irk
- if
- itch
- its
1 syllable word that start J:
- jab
- jack
- jade
- jail
- jam
- jaunt
- jaw
- jeep
- jeer
- jell
- jest
- jeans
- jet
- jig
- job
- joke
- jolt
- joy
One syllable word that start K:
- keen
- keep
- kept
- kick
- knit
- knob
- key
- kid
- kill
- king
- knew
- knock
- kiss
- kit
- kite
- knack
- knight
- knot
1 syllable words that start L, M, and N:
- lack
- lace
- lad
- lamb
- land
- lane
- last
- led
- learn
- lick
- lie
- log
- long
- lute
- mace
- mad
- main
- male
- map
- march
- mare
- meal
- melt
- miss
- mix
- mud
- much
- mule
- nab
- nail
- name
- nape
- neat
- neck
- need
- net
- new
- nest
- nice
- niece
- north
- now
One syllable word examples that start O:
- oaf
- oak
- oar
- oat
- odd
- oft
- oil
- oink
- old
- ouch
- ounce
- ought
Easy one syllable words that start P:
- pack
- pact
- pad
- page
- paid
- pail
- pain
- paint
- pant
- park
- part
- peh
- peg
- pen
- perch
- pew
- pitch
- plant
- plate
- poll
- pork
- pool
- pound
- pour
- prize
- put
1-syllable word examples that start Q:
- quack
- quad
- quart
- queer
- quick
- quit
- quag
- quail
- quark
- quell
- quiche
- quill
- quaint
- quartz
- qualm
- queen
- queue
- quirk
One syllable words that start R:
- race
- rad
- raft
- rag
- rage
- raid
- rain
- raise
- rake
- ranch
- ream
- rear
- ride
- right
- rift
- roam
- roast
- robe
- rock
- rod
- role
- roll
- roof
- row
1 syllable words that start S:
- sack
- sad
- safe
- sag
- said
- sail
- same
- sand
- school
- scoff
- Scout
- scrunch
- seal
- search
- shade
- shark
- shed
- short
- side
- slay
- snail
- smell
- snack
- son
- sore
- spam
- spread
- still
- stone
- sword
1-syllable words that start T:
- tab
- tack
- tact
- tad
- tale
- talk
- tall
- tank
- tart
- tent
- term
- text
- thank
- thin
- time
- toad
- toast
- tote
- toy
- trade
- trail
- train
- treat
- tree
- try
- truth
- tune
One syllable words that start U, V, and W:
- uke
- urn
- ugh
- van
- vat
- vase
- verb
- verse
- wade
- wage
- waist
- wall
- walk

One syllable word examples that start X, Y, and Z:
- x-ray
- yaw
- yeild
- yell
- yawn
- Yacht
- yak
- yam
- yard
- yes
- yoga
- your
- zip
- zap
- zoom
Syllable Activities for Kids
Here are some fun syllable activities you can do with your students as they learn to break apart words.
1. Clap Syllables in Books
Get a handful of  picture books and read with your kids. And as you read, practice counting syllables! cTo play, instruct your child that whenever you stop, they have to tell you the number of syllables in that word.
2. Spell One Syllable Words Using Letter Tiles
Get some letter tiles out and practice spelling 1 syllable words using letter tiles. Call out a word and see if your student can find the correct letters and spell it on the table with their alphabet squares. (For younger kids, write the word down and have them find the letters and put them in order.)
2. Build Syllable Block Towers
To play this syllable block tower game, you will need to get some building blocks. To begin, give your kids a word and have them build a tower using the correct number of syllables that matches the word given. For example, if you give your child the word ‘com-pu-ter’ their syllable tower should be three blocks high.
Syllables – Q & A
1. What are some positive one syllable words?
Laugh, yes, sun, strength, play, fruit, good, great, brave, kind, nice, rich, smile, wish, and sweet.
2. What are some 1 syllable animals?
Koi, mink, cod, skunk, nit, mare, foal, pug, kit, swan, lamb, fowl, beast, louse, hound, shrimp, fawn, goat, flea, pig, dog, cat, goose, calf, doe, buck, tick, slug, mouse, bear, bat, and elk.
3. What are some 1 syllable colors?
Pink, brown, gray, green, blue, red, black, and white.
4. What is a syllable?
A syllable is a single sound used to make words. A word can be made up of one syllable (pink, dog, mouse, etc) or multiple syllables (sal-ad, el-e-phant, oc-to-pus, cir-cus, etc.)
Each syllable contains one vowel sound and is sometimes referred to as a beat.
More Words for Kids Resources
Visit our huge Words for Kids page for more word lists for kids, as well as, activities, free learning pages, vocabulary lists, and more!
- 2 Syllable Words
- 3 Syllable Words
- 4 Syllable Words
- Adverbs that start with G
- Adverbs that start with H
- T Words for Kids
- R Words for Kids
- Objects that start with A
- Objects that start with B